Let's Do This!

Goddess55 Publishing

Book Publishing with Carol Ann

Write your Thought Leadership book

Just Do It, Write Now Book Plan

If you want a process to follow step-by-step, Just Do It, Write Now takes you from concept to completion to your thought leadership book in 3 to 6 months.

Done-for-You Services for Every Stage of Your Book

Ghostwriting, developmental editing, copy editing, proofreading, formatting, cover design, best-selling strategies - we'll customize a package that meets your needs.

Jumpstart Your Book in 15 Days: DIY Course

Short on time? You'll map out the foundation of your book all the way through the outline in just 20 minutes a day. You receive an email a day with an exercise that takes you one step closer to becoming a published author. This process gives you clarity and dissolves self-doubt and ensures your book is powerful and meets the needs of your audience. Once you've got the basics in place,  writing your book becomes easy and exciting!

Irresistible Messaging 30-day Content Creation Challenge

This email course helps you to create marketing to promote your book or offers in cohesive, congruent content. Over the course of 30 days, you'll receive an email a day with a prompt to create content according to the "10 Ingredients of an Irresistible Offer." With templates to make it easy, and tips to increase engagement, you'll never be at a loss for what to write in your emails and social media posts.

What is the difference between line editing, copy editing and proofreading?

“No one writes alone.” Writing a book is a long, tedious journey, and it’s easy to get lost in your words, repeat ideas, and go off topic. Even the best of writers hire editors to make sure their pages are polished and refined – and error free. This is especially important in today’s climate where anybody can publish a book, often without regard to quality.

You’re not just anybody, and you want your book to be as professional as possible. The more professional your book, the more sales you’ll generate, and the prouder you’ll be to share your book with colleagues and clients.

Editing options can be confusing to the new author. I taught Publication Layout & Design for 10 years at the university level, and every single time I taught the difference between editing and proofreading, in their assignments students would correct terms they thought were mistakes, and miss the typos that were crucial to the proofreading process.

This was scary to me because it showed that the average person thinks they know better, and will change things even if they’re wrong. So you want an editor who is detail-oriented, with an eagle eye, and an impeccable knowledge of language, grammar, and punctuation!

So what is the difference between editing and proofreading? Editing is about content – sentence structure, voice, tone, and word choice, and includes some proofreading. Proofreading is the last stage of the book writing process and is about punctuation and grammar and consistency without much regard to content (unless of course something is glaringly wrong).

Of course, there will be some overlap, but it’s important to know what you’re paying for.

Here’s a more detailed explanation of the differences:

Line editing

  • Line-by-line stylistic review of content
  • Intensive overall structural edit
  • Word choice and syntax inspection
  • Transition elements
  • Audit tone and style
  • Writing flow enhancement
  • Voice maintenance
  • Basic proofreading (final proofing may still be necessary)
  • Editor’s notes and comments
  • Estimated Timeline: depends on state of manuscript
  • Estimated Ballpark Cost: $9 per page

Copy editing

  • Word-by-word mechanical edit
  • Sentence structure and syntax inspection
  • Spelling and punctuation check
  • Grammar audit
  • Editor’s notes if something makes no sense
  • A more refined proofreading than line editing
  • Estimated Timeline of 100 page Manuscript: 7-9 days
  • Cost: $6 per page


  • Word by word review with little regard to content
  • Spelling and punctuation check
  • Intensive grammar audit
  • Estimated Timeline: 6-8 days
  • Cost: $3 per page, or 2 cents per word

To submit your manuscript for editing

Please submit your manuscript in a Word doc for ease of editing with the following specifications:

  • 8.5 x 11 page size
  • 1” margins
  • Page numbers
  • 12-point Times New Roman
  • Double spaced
  • No indents or tabs are necessary
  • No ‘space before’ or ‘space after’ required, but if it’s easier for you, 6 pt space after is sufficient

If you are on a tight deadline or manuscript is not complete, we can work on a chapter-by-chapter basis, rather than having to wait for you to complete your writing.

Want to add page formatting?

For a basic Word layout, add $2 per page. This is for text only and won’t be anything fancy, but it will look professional and be highly readable.

For InDesign, add $3-4 per page to your editing cost, depending on the number of design elements. This is your better choice if you want photos, or a journal-type book that has lots of lines and spacing. Price includes basic photo editing.

Create & Launch Your 6-figure Signature System

Creating multiple streams of income around your ONE thing – your soul’s calling – starts here. Leverage your worth, deliver results, scale your business with my easy to follow system to creating a group program around your gifts, talents and purpose. This is a 5-module digital course with bonuses that you can work through on your own at your own pace.  


Goddess55 Circle 

This Offers & Messaging Incubator is part mentorhip, part mastermind at an investment that most can afford.


The Goddess Way Inner Circle

This is group coaching with a 1:1 component without the high price tag of 1:1 mentorship. It’s for coaches, spiritual entrepreneurs and authors who want ongoing support in marketing, branding, visibility, mindset and all those things that make a business successful. This is a 12-month commitment at an affordable cost and a monthly payment plan. We meet twice a month for 90 minutes.

Payment plan available

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