Personal Branding for Solopreneurs
Attention Goddess! Are you longing to answer your soul’s HIGHER CALLING and play a BIGGER GAME … with EASE and GRACE … while making a GREATER IMPACT and MORE PROFIT…all while working LESS and having more FUN?
Attention Coaches, Spiritual Entrepreneurs, and Service-based Professionals…
I want to help you Unleash Your Inner Goddess to play full out and fully expressed in a soul-aligned business, so you attract more right-fit clients and make more money. You deserve to have life your way. If you are:
Stressed out because you know you have a larger purpose but you're not sure what it is.
Wanting to go to your next level, but are overwhelmed at the thought of it.
Stagnant and stuck and sabotaged by your own self-doubt to try something new.
Working with clients, but you know you could go so much deeper if you only had some high-ticket offers in place.
Ready to REIGNITE your SPARK and put the PASSION back into your business!
Unleash Your Inner Goddess! Introducing the Goddess Unleashed! mastermind experience, where you will REIGNITE YOUR SPARK and UPLEVEL your business and create offers that align with the entrepreneur you are NOW – and the clients you want to attract NOW!
I don’t want you to wait one more day to step into your higher purpose and experience more JOY and FULFILLMENT.
Does this sound like you?
Your business is not working the way you imagined… but you're afraid to let go of what you've built so far – and you’re overwhelmed when you think of what it takes to get there.
You want to take your 1:1 clients to the next level, but you're not sure how to position yourself as the mentor who can provide the transformation they seek
You dream of reaching millions with your message ... maybe even writing your book …but you’re not sure how to get started
You see yourself leading a mastermind, mentorship or high-end group program, filled with clients you are meant to serve …but you’re not sure how to stand out from the crowd…
You are ready to elevate your platform ... maybe host a podcast, workshop, retreat… teaching people who are HUNGRY for what you can offer…but you're holding back from getting seen in a bigger way
You keep hearing about working with 'high-end' clients but you don't know what you would offer at that level
I’m here to tell you that if you’re even thinking that you have a larger purpose, then NOW is the time to find clarity on what that is so you can get it out to the world and start making a difference…
Forget about what you’ve been doing… it’s never too late to ‘reset to zero’ and start something new, or go for your bigger dreams….in fact, it’s your responsibility to reach for your dreams.
And here’s the thing…The person you were when you started your business isn’t the person you are now. You have grown in so many ways and you have so much more to offer…
~ More wisdom.
~ More experience.
~ More life lessons forged in fire.
You have so much more to offer, so shouldn’t you be compensated for it?
If you’re stuck in a rut without moving forward, you’re not living your fullest expression….or standing in your fullest value…. so you’re underselling yourself…
STOP! Don’t let another day go by, living a life ‘less than’, wondering what else there could be for you to do….
Once you align with your higher purpose, you become driven by mission, business gets easier, clients are attracted to you, your bank account expands…
The Goddess Unleashed Mastermind is for you if…
- You know you have a much bigger purpose in the world but you’re not 100% certain what it is, but you’re ready to STOP STRESSING about it and START LIVING it.
- Your higher purpose involves serving others with your unique gifts, talents, and experience.
- You’re ready to release what’s not serving you and focus on the ONE THING that will uplevel you to make a bigger impact.
- You are so ready to get PAID real money for what comes so easily to you and offer high-ticket programs.
- You are willing to put aside ‘business as usual’ and ‘do life’ your way.
Goddess Unleashed is not for you if…
- You are looking for a get-rich-quick scheme and have no interest in creating something that benefits others..
- You view this as just more shelf help and you have no intention of implementing and taking action.
- You don’t believe in yourself, or in me.
- You’re not ready to take the risks required for next-level success.
- You don’t see the value of investing in yourself through others.
Are You READY???
If you’re ready to rise up and be the beacon of light that attracts the people you’re meant to serve…with a tangible way to serve…If you’re ready to make a difference in the world and get paid for it…
I’m looking for 10 heart-centered, purpose-driven entrepreneurial women who are ready to REIGNITE their passion, find their purpose, do the work, and emerge like the amazing Goddess that you are!
Click below to schedule a call to see if Goddess Unleashed is right for you…

with your soul’s higher purpose and create a business based on WHO YOU ARE NOW

in your worth, with the confidence to rise to your next level of success.

an irresistible program, product, or service based on your gifts, talents and experience that positions you as a thought leader and allows you to make a greater impact
How do I know?

I’ve been exactly where you are now.
I’m Carol Ann DeSimine and I totally get you. I’ve been an entrepreneur since 2006 and it took me a few major shifts to get it right. While I experienced success, playing in my Zone of Excellence, something just didn’t feel right. It took countless sleepless nights before I stepped into my Zone of Genius and started playing a bigger game. But even that didn’t work until I did some deep inner exploration and decided to release what I was DO-ing and started BE-ing the person I am meant to be. I created a process that enabled me to step into my Zone of PURPOSE. Now I’m living my soul’s calling every day and I’m here to show you how you can too.
And here’s a hint: it’s not about doing more. In fact, it’s about releasing a lot of what you are doing now, so you can do less and make a greater impact, not only on the lives of your clients, but you can have the life of your dreams.
Isn’t it time you are happy in your business? I mean really happy, getting the results you long for?
I’m designing this so you work less and achieve more. The last thing I want to do is put you in overwhelm!
Here’s what you get:
3 LIVE mastermind-type group trainings per month Monthly Implementation & Activation Sessions where we do the work TOGETHER
3 Monthly Implementation & Activation Sessions where we do the work TOGETHER
Recordings of all the sessions
Private Facebook Group where you have 24/7 access to me
Private membership portal to access all the training materials and recordings
Weekly Action/implementation to help you move towards your goal faster
Accountability partner match-up
My "Goddess Way" collection of checklists, templates, and worksheets designed to keep you out of overwhelm
PLUS 3 months of bi-weekly mastermind sessions to finish 2019 strong, to support you in your marketing & visibility
You will also…
Get world -class support and guidance every step of the way. Be part of a like-minded, like-hearted, intimate community of amazing women. Stop strategizing and start simplifying. Move past that ‘stuck’ feeling because you have the accountability to keep you in action. Receive checklists, templates, and worksheets that will save you tons of time, effort, and money.
Ready to get started?
Here’s what you will learn:
Month 1 ALIGN: Your Path to Passion, Purpose & Profit
Reignite your business – and your life! By the end of Phase I, you’ll have revealed your higher purpose and identify your most marketable gifts, talents and experience while crafting a Soul’s Calling Story and craft a NEXT-LEVEL business vision.
WEEK 1. We’ll do a Core Values Assessment to use as a GPS that keeps you on track to realize your bigger vision
WEEK 2. Find your sweet spot and most marketable gifts, and what you need to release
WEEK 3. You’ll craft your Soul’s Calling Story that connects with your most ideal clients (this is where your true purpose is revealed!)
WEEK 4. Implement & Activate. Here’s where we put it all together so you have a purpose-based irresistible offer idea that fills a need in the marketplace, and write your Soul’s Calling Story as the basis of your marketing message.
Month 2 BELIEVE: Mindset, Manifesting & Client Attraction
Package your money maker. By the end of Phase 2, you’ll have the confidence to charge what you deserve and identify the clients who will pay what you ask. You’ll uncover limiting beliefs that are holding you back, rewrite your money story, and learn a 6-phase process to manifest what you want.
WEEK 5. Raise your financial thermostat and write a new script for your money story.
WEEK 6. Design your Ideal Business Model. What do you want to be know for?
WEEK 7. Client attraction strategies that will take you to the next level
WEEK 8. Implement & Activate. Here’s where you’ll put together your new ideal client profile, plan out your new business model, and map out a strategy to take your offer to market at a price point that is profitable.
CREATE: Programs, Packaging & Positioning
Unleash your Inner Goddess and your creativity! By the end of Phase 3 you will have an irresistible offer created around your Zone of PurposeTM. You’ll learn ways to turn your process into a system that you can repurpose and scale for different platforms: in a book, a talk, a podcast, a workshop, retreat, live talk or webinar….
WEEK 9. Create your irresistible offer: a signature system that takes clients step-by-step for consistent results.
WEEK 10. Leverage your process by repurposing as a program, product, service, or talk so you work less and get paid more.
WEEK 11. Expand your visibility with strategies that position you as a thought leader in your industry.
WEEK 12. Implement & Activate. Put it all together and take it to market. You’ll put on our creative thinking cap and craft outcome-based titles, taglines, and descriptions so clients know exactly why they should work with you!
FREE Bonuses
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the advantage of participating in a pilot program?
There are several advantages but here are the top three.
- You receive a huge savings, often 50% of the usual investment.
- While the program is built for a specific outcome, the content and pace is designed around your needs; you have an active voice in what’s being taught.
- Because this is a small group ‘partnership’ you receive many more perks and bonuses, which wouldn’t be possible to fulfill with larger group.
What are my requirements as a participant of this pilot program?
Because this is viewed as a ‘partnership’ Carol Ann will rely on you for your feedback.
While she’ll be leading the group, she’ll also be paying close attention to make sure she’s teaching at the right pace, who’s doing the work, who is falling behind, and adjust as needed.
She’ll also be asking for testimonials and ways to improve once the course is complete.
Why are you offering a choice of 2 mega bonuses?
I am here to make this program the most effective for you. I put together the Exposure Explosion Media Bonus to give you a head start on getting your new program seen by more people, but not everyone is ready for that.
On the other hand, some may prefer to have cash savings, so I want to make that available as well. As a media strategist and book mentor, I may have other bonuses that are more appropriate for your needs, and this is why enrollment is by phone only.
Ready to stop losing sleep worrying about life passing you buy because your self-doubts are holding you back? I am here to help you Reignite Your Passion, Release Your Fears, & Unleash Your Inner Goddess for more joy, confidence, & fulfillment!
When will the live calls be held?
This will be determined once the program starts. I generally hold my sessions on Tuesday afternoons EDT, but when the group is small I hold them at a time that is convenient for the majority of the members.
There is no way I can accommodate everyone, and it is your responsibility to adjust your schedule to make the live calls; however, they are recorded and you can listen in at your convenience, and ask questions or get feedback in the Facebook group at any time. The 3 months of mastermind sessions will be an open format for whatever you need specific help with.
Annual Membership- 3,000 notifications
- Custom Controls
- Security Features
- Unlimited Users
Annual Membership- 43,000 notifications
- 250 Updates per month
- Custom Controls
- Security Features
- 4 Users
Disclaimer: Individual Results may vary, and testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results. All testimonials are real, and may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.